0600. It´s too cold outside so this unescheduled early (too early) arrival calls for a invigorating nap at the station, but sleeping all curled up brings forth a debilitating stomach cramp. Walking two steps out of the station, the body can´t continue and we take refuge on a cafe, only to receive a 40 peso bill. Most expensive piece of toast ever!! All these happenings as hail comes from the porteño sky.
Welcome to Buenos Aires!
But it´s all good. All is beautifull in this Buenos Aires. Just like I remembered: Buenos Aires of football, Buenos Aires of shoes, Buenos Aires of facturas, panchos and choripanes. This is the Buenos Aires in which I move during my days in the town.
Buenos Aires is but a huge museum, a museum that calls for endless hours of walks to (re)discover these european-like streets with a tano-tone, to meet these deep rooted passions and heart felt traditions. So we walk. And right at the 49th hour of walking, the street takes us, wraps us, and transports us to one of these passionate traditions. One that will not let us go for another week at least. Tango. The Tango Festival and World Championship 2011 is taking place this week. Alaba´o .So another week in Buenos Aires, not walking in the streets now, but walking around the dance floor. A week of shows, dances and classes that remind me I needed to take more classes ;)
One more get together, one more electro-milonga, one more birthday celebration..... as the days pile up Buenos Aires keeps on enchanting, and before I know it, two weeks have passed...Gracias Davo, mas el camino llama, y contigo hasta la siguiente (Carlitos sabrá donde será) ....