and Leon talking of the collective and random, not the ndividual and pre-meditated...
0700 quick breakfast, last minute packing
0735 nothing
0745 nothing yet
at 0800 the knock at my door tells me the horses have dissapeared
Not the best way but thts how this 3-dy long journey begins. 0930 and the horses have reappeared, and afer getting one mall bottle of cañazo for the cold, we get on the way.
Ahead of us lay 10 hours. 10 hours of mountain & forest to meet that back lake i´ve read so much abut. La Laguna de los Condores that keeps many a myth. Walking a bit, riding a bit, running a little bit more, all to stay warm, one pass, one other hill, all and all till we get there, and the desired lake, once at view, seems even more mystic than imagined....
The followig morning: coffee, tea, jam, bread, butter, a 2 hour stroll, some trout fishing and the so awaited for splash in the dark waters arrives. Dark pristine freezing waters...
And the following, a no less amazing new view: the way back, only 9 hours now with the gallop ;)
gracias Mardin por la trucha :)
0700 quick breakfast, last minute packing
0735 nothing
0745 nothing yet
at 0800 the knock at my door tells me the horses have dissapeared
Not the best way but thts how this 3-dy long journey begins. 0930 and the horses have reappeared, and afer getting one mall bottle of cañazo for the cold, we get on the way.
Ahead of us lay 10 hours. 10 hours of mountain & forest to meet that back lake i´ve read so much abut. La Laguna de los Condores that keeps many a myth. Walking a bit, riding a bit, running a little bit more, all to stay warm, one pass, one other hill, all and all till we get there, and the desired lake, once at view, seems even more mystic than imagined....
The followig morning: coffee, tea, jam, bread, butter, a 2 hour stroll, some trout fishing and the so awaited for splash in the dark waters arrives. Dark pristine freezing waters...
And the following, a no less amazing new view: the way back, only 9 hours now with the gallop ;)
gracias Mardin por la trucha :)
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