viernes, 12 de junio de 2009


And I almost feel guilty because most of my time in Albania has been spent in bars and cafes... almost, what an incredible people the albanians!!! The language, Albanese, I didnt even tried to learn it, tooooo difficult - se.... but that never slowed down the conversations...
Some fo them miss the good old days, some of them cant wait for more tourism to arrive into Albania but all of them, certainly remember the 1970 World Cup Peru 3 - Hungary 2...
"how do you call that black man?"
"Cubillas, Teofilo Cubillas"
"ah, dobro dobro...." Of all the things to remember....
Me? ill remember going down the mountain at full speed into Elbasan after hours of battatling up and then dead stopping to buy some wild berries "mmmm dobro dobro...

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