sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011


Another story of forbidden love. Another beautiful princess who falls in love with the wrong man. A warrior this time. A very brave one maybe but nothing but a warrior at the end of the day. Another forbidden love. Another forbidden love that calls for another couple to run away to set free their love.

But the princess´ father is not just another man. He´s the Geat Cacique. And the Great Cacique doesn´t allow for run away daughters. Upon learning the news, he becomes first upset, then angry, and finally his rage soars, soars so high that it transforms him into a snake, almost as big as rage itself. A gigantic anger-driven-snake on the pursuit of his daughter. There is nowhere to escape for the couple, so they jump into the Iguazu River on a desperate hope, but even the mighty river waters are no scape route.
The snake sees them, she raises high in the sky and violently crashes down on them forming a crateras the snake collides with the river.....

But the punishment was yet to commence. The crater in the river will become the Iguazu Waterfalls, its mighty waters crashing down with the force of all the waters of the Amazon, its mighty waters crashing down on a rock that will take on its back all the force of these waters. And not too far away, facing this rock, a tree will weep watching this eternal punishment: a brave warrior turned into rock for trying to escape with his beloved princess, now turned into a tree. Osadia

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