I was just about to tell you it was not the best choice of a city to start with in Italy, then, on my last day, after getting lost, (is it considered getting lost if its done on purpose?) I found some markets, real markets not supermarkets, children kicking the ball around in the park, a huge difference from what I had seen days before. People just going about their business, mind as well be NYC! Very nice change of pace to see this other face to the city...
But amongst the sights: the Duomo, puff, certainly makes a difference. I don’t know if it has made it, but it certainly should be one of the wonders of the world: the intricacy, the detail, the painstaking goddamn detail. Bamn! About 300, 000 statues and 800,000 million square miles (rough numbers here) of carved stone, it is just breathtaking. I spent a whole day here. Pity is still being restored, I didn’t get to see the doors. And I didn’t get to see the Last Supper either, there is a 2-3 week waiting list, I guess sometimes it pays to read guidebooks. No biggie, I’ll see it on my way out of Sicily.
Tomorrow Siracusa and the Reign of the Two Sicilies ;)
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