martes, 7 de agosto de 2012


che magia!
for a reason too long to be written down here I'm setting my tent in a tea garden tonight. A nice, rather quite big garden when I came but now, at 22:45, the place seems to be shrinking in space as more and more people come in. Less space but the energy is ever expanding: kids running around; a swing that doesn't stop swinging; grown married men playing cards (all trying to cheat each other); a man who  came with his wife hasn't stop pampering the mother-in-law; kids cursing, the waiter telling on them; two other kids almost got in a fight, the fathers ignore them, the mothers start arguing,... the magic of a small town, doing stuff outdoors together, if not together at least in the same area..
if I could only see auras... I wonder if I'd be seeing one huge (purple) one.  I like purple :)

23:30, three more ladies come in to share limonata
23:45, someone screams at some table, someone else gets up, runs into his car and takes off. The waiter follows on his bike. The place empties.
Time for me to go to sleep

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